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AI Use Case: LAIDFU Cuts a Manager’s Work by 33%, Delivers 400% ROI

Based on a report by Bloomberg in 2024, banking industry is looking to automate over 54% of human processes through AI by 2028. Other industries are less aggressive but 30% human process replacement is the bottom-line.

Take this report as benchmark. If you fail to automate 30% of your processes through AI by 2028, your competitor will win and thank you for your hesitation.

Here is the mathematics of a customer service / after-sales manager :

Daily Work

In average, a team lead manages 5-7 after-sales staff. [Take it 6]

Each staff receives about 7-15 requests / questions from clients, either through email or messaging tools like WhatsApp etc. [Take it 11]

Customer service / after-sales manager needs to scan each question / request to see if there is anything should do as a manager (Lead? Complaint? Wrong doing by staff?) ) [Take it 30 sec per question / request]

Suppose one out of ten of these questions / requests require action from the manager (Sending a mail to ask another department engage, reminding the staff how to upsell etc.) [Take it 10 min. per action]

Input upsell opportunity, complaint, service ticket into CRM [Take it 2 min. per action]

Spotting missing CRM data by comparison email addresses, phone number of inbound mails and messages against data in CRM/CDP [Many SME simply omit this task!!! Anyway, let’s take it 30 min. per day]

Weekly Work

  • Weekly summary on complaint incidents [Take it 30 min. per report]
  • Weekly customer sentiment analysis [Take it 30 min. per report]
  • Weekly staff performance report [Take it 30 min. per report]


So How Much is Saved?

LAIDFU saves 6 x 11 x 30 sec + 6 x 11 x 10% x (10 + 2) + 30 minutes per day which is  142 min per day and another 1.5 hours per week.

Suppose your manager works eight hours a day excluding lunch break. LAIDFU saves ~33% of your managers’ workload per week!!!

Not Just Saving, LAIDFU Delivers More

At the same time, LAIDFU does what your manager cannot do (have no time to do):

  • Produce real-time customer sentiment without human data input
  • Produce real-time staff performance report without human data input
  • Automatically alert the management about sudden customer relationship deterioration
  • Automatically warn the staff when service level (politeness, response time etc.) is below company policy
  • Automatically warn the staff when compliance / regulations are violated (selling financial products in the wrong channel, using the wrong promotion words etc.)

How about the Cost?

5-Year total cost of ownership (TOC) for LAIDFU is only ~7.6% of salary bills of a middle management staff in the same period. It is an investment with ~400+% return!!!

Figures may vary due to different business natures in various industries but a lucrative ROI is nearly unquestionable.

Is LAIDFU Just for Customer Service Management?

LAIDFU, an enterprise-grade AI agent, does not just act as a customer service manager. LAIDFU can act as an inside sales manager, hiring manager, training and development manager and more because LAIDFU is CONFIGURABLE.


An enterprise-class AI solution for business who are not content with conventional, superficial AI integration like copywriting, photo generation or chatbot.

LAIDFU can enhance numerous roles in your company, ranging from customer service manager, compliance officer, business development executive, procurement manager or HR manager etc., releasing them from jobs which require certain level of reasoning but boring and repetitive.
