Unveiling the Mysteries: HR System and the Alien Analogy

Photo by Miriam Espacio on Unsplash


When we think of aliens, we often conjure images of otherworldly beings, complex civilizations, and technologies that are strange yet fascinatingly advanced. Unsurprisingly, implementing new technology in a business setting might feel quite similar, and HR systems are no exception.

The concept of HR systems transforming the traditional human resource management into a digitized, streamlined process has been gaining worldwide acceptance. Still, for many, it may seem as foreign as encountering extraterrestrial life. This blog shall unravel this intricate alien-comparable technology, the HR system, and how it’s reshaping the future of work.

HR System: The ‘Alien Tech’

Comparable to unraveling the functionalities of a peculiar alien gadget, understanding an HR system can initially seem overwhelming. An HR system (Human Resource Information System HRIS/ Human Resource Management System HRMS/ Human Capital Management HCM), is a digital solution that manages and optimizes routine HR tasks, benefiting businesses with improved efficiency and accuracy. From attendance tracking, benefits administration, training development, to employees’ performance analysis – the HR system has multiple modules, streamlining the HR process.

Acclimating to the ‘Alien Tech’: Implementing HR System

Just like one would need a guide to navigate an alien terrain, implementing an HR system into your organization requires a similar roadmap:

  1. Requirement Analysis: Define your organization’s specific needs. Identify the facets of HR operations that require automation and digitization.
  2. Choosing the Right System: Evaluate various HR systems based on features, user-friendliness, scalability, and compatibility with your organization’s systems.
  3. System Setup and Customization: Configure the system according to your company’s requirements. This can include setting up security protocols, creating user profiles, defining roles and access rights, and customizing workflows.
  4. Data Migration: Import your existing HR data into the new system. This step must be executed meticulously to prevent the loss or corruption of data.
  5. Training and Support: Train your HR staff on how to utilize the system efficiently. Make sure that technical support is available for any eventual hiccups with the software.

The Impact: Embracing the Alien

Once the novelty of this ‘alien tech’ subsides, it’s time to embrace the myriad benefits of the HR system:

  1. Increase Efficiency: Much like advanced alien technology would be optimized for efficiency, HR systems automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time for HR professionals to focus on strategic tasks.
  2. Better Decision Making: An HR system provides data-driven insight into employee performance, recruitment metrics, employee turnover, etc., guiding better, informed decision-making.
  3. Improved Compliance: HR systems ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations, much as an advanced civilization would have measures to ensure the safety and rules compliance of its inhabitants.
  4. Employee Self-Service: Just as an extraterrestrial might give individuals control over their destiny, HR systems provide employees with access to manage their details, empowering them and increasing their engagement.


While exploring a new HR system might feel likened to exploring alien tech, there’s nothing to fear. By selecting the most suited system for your company, you can streamline your HR operations, focus on strategic plans, and ensure an improved work experience for your employees. Just as humans would likely benefit tremendously from advanced alien technology, your company stands to gain a lot from implementing an advanced HR system.

Embrace the ‘alien tech,’ take your HR operations to new heights and gear up for a future where technology and human resources go hand in hand, propelling organizations towards unparalleled success.

With an unwavering commitment over thirty years, Multiable has earned a reputation as a dependable provider of HR systems. Having played a pivotal role in transforming workforce management for more than 6,000 businesses across Asia, the Multiable HCM system represents change embraced right. By choosing our HCM system, businesses unlock myriad benefits from standardizing processes to enhancing communication, laying a solid foundation for a thoroughly optimized and efficient workforce management system.

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