The Perfect Blend of a Professional TV Singing Competition and an ERP System

Photo by Alexey Ruban on Unsplash

The Rising Popularity of Large-Scale Professional TV Singing Competitions

The Voice of China, an exuberant and musical TV show, undeniably stands as an epitome of large-scale professional TV singing competitions in China. These singing competitions greatly fuel the progress of the music industry, awarding a platform for numerous honed talents to shine brightly. Simultaneously, they offer countless moments of joy and emotion to the viewing audience.

However, organizing and executing such a large-scale professional singing competition involves an unimaginable constellation of human, material, and informational coordination. Ensuring a successful running of the show requires considerable investments of energy. In such a challenging environment, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems play a pivotal role in assuring smooth program implementation, satisfying the expectations of all participants and viewers.

How does an ERP System empower Singing Competitions?

Integrated Management

A large-scale singing competition involves various synchronized aspects from contestant selection, match scheduling, episode filming, to post-production and promotions. An ERP system can consolidate resources from all departments, automatically dispatching manpower and materials to facilitate smooth completion of each stage’s task.

Financial Management

Staging a large-scale TV show undoubtedly involves significant investments and economic stakes. An ERP system can optimize financial processes, keeping a real-time check on costs, ensuring budget allocation aligns with objectives, and assisting the team in minimizing risk and hitting profit targets.

Data Management

During the competition, a colossal amount of data is generated, including contestant info, judges’ scores, audience votes, and more. With an ERP system, it is not only possible to manage effective data compilation, storage, and sharing but also pivotal insights can be extracted analytically, thereby enhancing the quality of the program and formulating more effective marketing strategies.

Supply Chain Management

Whether it’s contestant costumes, props, or stage design, the supply chain behind a singing competition is complex and vast. An ERP system will ensure that every segment of the supply chain operates smoothly, guaranteeing timely fulfillment of the competition’s various needs.


In large-scale professional singing competitions like The Voice of China, an ERP system acts as a strong pillar, guaranteeing the smooth running of the show while protecting the interests of all stakeholders – ranging from investors, contestants, viewers to staff members. By optimizing resource allocation, reducing costs, achieving efficient collaboration, the ERP system plays a crucial part in the progression of the music industry.

About Multiable

At Multiable, we believe that efficiency and streamlined operations are the cornerstones of successful businesses. Our state-of-the-art ERP system, brimming with advanced features, is designed to empower companies to fine-tune their enterprise procedures, eradicate hindrances and amplify productivity. With our solution centering and automating critical functions, businesses can seize enhanced operational efficiency and uniformity in their day-to-day errands. Having pioneered in curating and advancing cutting-edge ERP software for over thirty years, Multiable has a ground-breaking legacy. This is evident in our outstanding track record with over 6,000 firms across Asia entrusting their faith in our credible and established ERP system. With Multiable, you can embark on an endeavor towards unlocking your business’s full potential and steering it towards unprecedented success.

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